
La Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa annuncia la prossima uscita del bando per 6 borse di dottorato nell'ambito del "International PhD Programme in Agrobiodiversity". La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande e' il 31/05/2016.

The PhD Programme is run in collaboration with the Italian National Academy of Sciences and is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MiUR).

The Course aims to contribute to the enhancement of human resource capacity in the utilisation and management of biodiversity in agricultural and natural systems, to improve the sustainability of agriculture and the conservation of genetic resources and agroecosystem (bio)diversity for the well-being of present and future generations.

Six scholarships are available to motivated students from any country. Applications from developing/in transition countries are particularly welcome. The application must include description of a research project that the candidate would like to carry out during the three-year period of the PhD. Examples of research themes are indicated in the Call for Applications (attached).

English will be the one and only language for all activities envisaged in the PhD Programme. The deadline for receipt of applications is 31 May 2016. The Programme will start on 1 October 2016.

The Course has two curricula:

(A) Plant Genetic Resources (for further inquiries about possible research themes please contact Prof. Enrico Pè, m.pe@sssup.it).

(B) Functional Biodiversity in Agroecosystems (for further inquiries about possible research themes please contact Prof Paolo Barberi, barberi@sssup.it for topics related to Agroecology or Dr Chiara Pucciariello, c.pucciariello@sssup.it for topics related to Crop Physiology).

For more information about our PhD Programme please visit our gateway:
